Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hey... how have you been?

I haven't been on this in awhile.
In all I have about 335 pageviews.
I feel special.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I've Decided.

My father is working a high stress job and constantly gets upset and drinks and freaks out when our computer stops working when he's trying to do something important.
He's told me more than once that I should get a job based on how much money I earn, rather than what I love to do.
Today is the day I vow to get a job and prosper in something I love to do.
Dad, I may look like you and act like you, but in no way will I ever grow up and make the same choices you have.
I'm sorry but I just can't do that.
My heart won't allow it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I found a drawing style that I like that doesn't require much thinking.

All I basically do is this:

Drag my pen across the page, scribbling a little, then continuing to draw off of that.
Make faces, animals, makes a few circles, and VOILA! awesome drawing.

Not many people seem to like this type of drawing that I'm doing,
like... not be like "WOW! THAT'S AMAZING!" like usual.
A lot of people have been saying, "oh, it looks like amoebas!"
cuz, well, it does. lol

I sort of feel... like an artist now...
Cuz not a lot of people seem to appreciate my art.
Is that weird?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My life

Next week: Finals

This week: 2 essays due. 1 have finished, other, not so much.

Next week: classes will be changing. I won't be with a lot of my friends

This week: I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

Next week: I hate you, and you, and you.

This week: I hate life.

Next week: I hate you, and you, and you.

This week: Studying. Try to be happy.

Next week: Try to study. Try to be happy.

This week: Stress. Stress. Stress.

Next week: Stress. Stress. Stress.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Essay Writing


Especially when you have 2 essays due tomorrow...

Monday, January 16, 2012

How to write a novel

"That is a NOVEL idea, old chap!" <-- sorry, I had to do it.

1. Set up a schedule for yourself.
Don't just write whenever you feel like it. Novels NEVER get done that way. You have to say to yourself, "OK, I'll write 4,000 words over the weekend, and during the week I'll try to write 3,000." Or like a lot of people do: set up a NANOWRIMO for yourself. NANOWRIMO is NationalNovelWritingMonth, but I never actually write during that time because I'm in school and I'm always so busy. So, I set up a fake NANOWRIMO during some other month and try to write during that. NANO basically means you write a novel during the whole month of November. A novel is about 50,000 words, so (roughly) you write 1,612 words a day... which isn't to bad for some people. I always get ahead of myself on the weekends ;)

2. Don't get stressed!
Sometimes I get WAY too stressed, and then I end up just scrapping the whole idea of my story. I feel like everyone is pressuring me to write my novel, and that's why I never get it done.
SO. I've developed a plan.
I have an overactive imagination, so sometimes as I'm falling asleep I'll get my story's plot into my head, and fall asleep to new ideas. This makes my story go WAY out of line, so when I get down to writing again, my mental storybook is way ahead of the physical one.
Also, when I tell people about my story, they want to read it. and when they read it, they offer pointers and such... which I HATE when the book isn't done and they offer advice. It pushes my buttons hahaha.


Monday, January 9, 2012


Click here for Inspiring Quotes.

In my agenda at school, every week I write a quote on the left side of the paper (since I only use the right side). I started to do this the very first week of school, and I haven't stopped since. Above is a link where you can see inspiring quotes. At the bottom of the page are more quotes, but instead of inspiring there are quotes such as, meaningful, famous, quotes about angels, etc. 
Having quotes in my agenda has uplifted my spirits in a way, if that makes sense. If I have a quote in there, I smile when I read it, get inspired myself, or just feel better that day when I already feel like crap.

One of my favorites:
"Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us." - Paul Theroux

So if you're in need of uplifting, or you just want a different quote every week, visit the link above. Write the quotes in any place that you'll see them.

Have fun. :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How NOT to write an essay for Highschool/Middleschool

1. Do not begin anything with "Did you know...?"
- This causes you to look very stupid.
- Also, in middle school, a lot of kids do this. This annoys all teachers.

2. Do not end anything with, "In conclusion..." or "As you can see..."
- This also annoys the teachers, because all the students do this.

3. Do not expect your essay to be great the first time.
- Have teachers (specifically english teachers) read over your draft.
- Even have some of your friends read it over (though they might try and steal your ideas)
- Get the English teacher who grades the toughest (ex. marks up the essay like crazy, etc.) to read it over. This helps A LOT.

4. Do not expect the teacher to give you special treatment if your grandparent dies, or your printer wasn't working.
- My grandmother died and I was really upset about it, and just couldn't get into the mood to do my essay. The teacher didn't care and took off points anyway. LESSON LEARNED.

5. Do not think that just by clicking "spell check" in Word, it'll correct every grammar mistake.
- Then vs. Than sometimes trips up Word, as well as myself. Have someone read it over. It'll save you points.
- They're vs. Their vs. There - You might think it's right, Word might think it's wrong... just have someone read it over.

- This is a big no-no. You can even get kicked out of school for plagiarizing! (It WILL go on your permanent record.)
- MAKE SURE you cite your sources. If you don't, you'll get a zero for plagiarizing... even if you didn't.

- If you assume something in your essay, this could cause your essay to become completely wrong.
- Remember: Assuming makes an 'ass' out of you and me. :)

Hope this helped... certainly helped me to get a refresher on what not to do with an essay! :D

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Alright. This is for my own personal use, so I don't forget anything I need to do in the next few weeks or whatever...

1/10 Unit 6 Test
1/18 Unit 6 Essay Due
1/29 Unit 7 Test
1/20 - 1/23 Finals Review
1/24 - 1/25 Finals
1/26 Final Semester

Jeez. I have a busy week ahead of me. -.-