Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stay Beautiful (By Taylor Swift) - Inspired

~You're beautiful
Every little piece, love, don't you know 
You're really gonna be someone, ask anyone
When you find everything you've looked for 
I hope your life leads you back to my door 
Oh but if it don't, stay beautiful~

    It makes me wonder why no one says this, just casually to anyone on the street. It's like, about 14% of people die every year (per 100,000 people) because of suicide. JEEZ, that's a big number, if you think about it. If you see someone who looks like they're having a bad day, or just look overall very sad, open a door for them, or I don't know... DO SOMETHING. Ask them how their day is, say "Good Morning" or whatever. If you are feeling like one of those 14%, then try and think positively for the WHOLE day. 
     You know what I found out? If you think positive thoughts, then you get something you want. It's like karma, but with your own feelings. Say you tried out for a play, don't automatically go for the negative things like, "jeez, I did horrible. I'm such a bad singer... I can't act... I'm not even going to get ensemble!" And start crying over how bad you THINK you did. Think of the things you could have done better, not the things you thought you did horrible at or things you think you can't do. Hey, if you didn't get a part in the play, or whatever, just make sure you do the things right you thought you did wrong last time! :)
     Another thing - some people I know say they're horrible at drawing. No one is truly bad at drawing, or a bad artist. Anyone can draw, and anyone can learn to be an excellent artist! There is this guy who has his whole body paralyzed. He was taught to paint professionally - get this, professionally - with his mouth. I can't express how awesome his painting looked, and I wasn't even looking at it directly. It was an "over the shoulder, side profile, diagonally" taken picture... haha. So I couldn't really see the painting. From what I DID see though, it was really good.
     So take lessons, in drawing, acting or whatever. Anyone can learn to do anything they want. Do you burn water? Take a cooking class. Can you barely draw a circle or a straight line? Take a drawing class or buy a "How to draw" book. Do you think negatively on a daily basis? Just turn that frown upside down! And think positive for once! Minor changes can make a big difference in your life...

      Don't you know you're beautiful today? No, don't think of it negatively, like "so I look ugly every other day?" NO, let me rephrase it. You look beautiful each and every day, I just wanted to let you know, because you don't seem to realise it yet.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Everything has a Place, and Everything is in its Place.

     It has come to my attention that my room is... messy. You never really think of it, pretty much because you're never really in your room too much. Well, of course you're in there to sleep, but if you have school, or a job, or kids, whatever, you realise you don't really spend too much time in you room. If you're wondering right now whether you have a messy room or not, well, go up to your room.
    Yes, right now. Unless of course you're in your room. Well, anyway, getting to the point. Look around your room. Do you see dirty clothes (or in some cases, clean clothes) strewn about your room? What about textbooks, school work, and all sorts of random crud scattered around? Well if you answered yes to any of these questions, then yes, you have a messy room.
    I'm sure that's not all that you have around your room. If you're like me, then you'll have notebooks, yarn, cat toys, cat nip, belts, uniform shirts, art supplies, etc. in you room. Not to mention a HUGE bag of pistachios. Though I never lose anything, as soon as my mom cleans my room, I'm like "WHERE THE HECK IS..." And I can't find anything.
    What can I say?
     Everything has a Place and Everything is in its Place.



“I'm definitely a messy person... I know where everything is but I just can't organize. I don't make lists and find scripts on the laundry machine, and under my bed, or in the bathroom, kitchen. It's bad, I really need to take control.”

~Katie Holmes